5 Cues They Want A Future With You

Are you feeling confused as to whether the person you are dating has long-term partnership qualities?
If they have not outright said “I Love You” or are wavering on making a commitment, it may be time to clarify where the relationship is going.
Your time is your most valuable asset. And, being with someone who values you and your time shows how much respect they have for you.
The partner you choose to spend your life with can have a huge impact on your physical well-being, emotional health, and overall lifestyle choices.
So, are they seriously into you…
Or, selfishly stringing you along…
Here Are 5 Signs Your Partner Values You And The Relationship:
1. They Keep Their Commitments
Having trust is probably the most important factor in a relationship. Your partner says they are going to do something and follows through by keeping their promise. They show up for planned dates, they prioritize quality time together, and call you at the time that was agreed upon. In other words, their commitment is gold.
Having integrity is one of the highest forms of respect for the relationship. And, when it comes to your romantic connection it holds the ultimate truth knowing if your partner will put in the effort and go the extra mile. A committed partner honors their word because they want their partner to feel secure in the relationship.
2. They Meet Your Relationship Values
What are relationship values? They are a set of standards that you need in your relationship based on your self-worth and emotional needs. Your relationship values set the tone for how you wish to be treated by a partner and the respect you have for yourself. A partner who knows their worth will not accept anything less than loyalty, mutual respect, and pure love.
Some other popular relationships values are trust, growth mindset, honesty, open communication, integrity, partnership equality, and kindness.
If your partner shares at least three out five of your relationship values, then most likely this is a good indicator you and your partner will make it long-term.
Want to determine your relationships values? Find out here.
3. They Include You With Family & Friends
If a person is not serious about you, often they will keep you from meeting their family and close friends. They may even try to avoid date night and stick to hanging out at home. This is because they are not wanting to invest in the relationship by keeping it casual. They compartmentalize you as just one aspect of their life, not as part of their entire lifestyle.
Someone who is fully committed to you will make you a part of their lifestyle. Usually after about three to four months of consistent dating their friends and family should begin to know of you. However, they may wait until after six months or even a year of dating before they introduce you to their inner circle of friends and family, depending where they live and how often they get together. Or, they may want to make sure you are the one before they take that next big step.
4. They Make Plans For The Future
If they only make plans last minute to see you, then they most likely do not value your time. Someone who respects you will put effort into making plans with you. Whether it’s going on a vacation next month or attending a friend’s wedding in four months, they will ask to include you in their plans. They see you as someone they want to keep around and value spending their time with.
If they can only commit to seeing you on their terms without taking your schedule into consideration, then most likely they are not looking for anything serious. A person who values you will consider your thoughts, opinions, and schedule when making plans for the relationship.

5. They Create Space For You In Their Home
In the beginning stages, you may find you tend to stay at one partner’s home more than the other due to convenience or space. However, one partner may then get stuck traveling back and forth with clothing items and hygiene supplies, which can be a nuisance long-term. If your partner is serious about you, they will have no problem creating an area for you to keep belongings at their home or vice versa to make things easier.
If they will not allow you to keep belongings at their place after several months of dating, this may be a sign they are not ready for a commitment or are still seeing other people.
At the end of the day, dating can have a lot of unknowns. Your relationship values will guide you in deciding if this person is the best fit for you long-term. If they are not meeting your needs or giving you what you deserve, then it may be time to set boundaries. Boundaries can take your undefined relationship to the next level by meeting your needs. On the contrary, if your partner is unable to give you what you need, then know that you deserve better.
Choose You!

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