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3 Signs You Both Are On The Same Page For The relationship

Dating can be super fun in the beginning and even more enticing after dating for many years. But seeking gratification from the opposite sex can derail your long-term relationship goals if you aren’t operating with good intentions. 

When you’re out to dinner at your favorite restaurant, its as if the two of you can’t stop talking with each other. The conversation is overflowing like the Nile river and the flirtatious banter is melting your heart to its core. You literally feel as if you are dreaming on cloud nine. You can hardly contain your excitement because each date gets better and better making you feel alive. 

But, in the back of your mind, you’re wondering if this is the real deal. You feel amazing when you are with them but then you also hear those little whispers in your ear chirping those old love stories that are making things confusing beneath the surface. 

How do you know if your intention is real or only mesmerized by their admiration?

Here Are 3 Ways To Know If Your Relationship Will Go The Distance:

1.You’re Leading With Long-Term Versus Short-Term Goals

If the thought of hooking up on the first night doesn’t appeal to you, then you’re more focused on your goals than a one-night stand. You are looking for a solid partner who can meet your emotional and physical needs in a relationship. After all, a hook-up is the complete opposite of what you’re after. You want a real connection that feels good on the inside, not one that just looks good on the outside. 

When your long-term relationship goal outweighs the short-term gratification then you know you are seeking good intentions with a partner. You take your time getting to know your date while letting things naturally progress at its own pace. You want to make sure this person can add value to your life for a lifetime versus a few months. 

2.You’re Leading With Values Versus Sexual Chemistry

Leading with your relationship values creates a slow, steady pace in order to build a connection and form a relationship. And, if you’re really into someone physically, then the chemistry will continue to be there when you’re ready. Avoid rushing the process, as lust is bound to bust! 

Long-term relationships are built on the foundation of friendship, compassionate understanding and a balance of give and take. Learning about your partner is essential when it comes to consciously deciding if this is the person I can spend my life with? Are we compatible with our relationship values and have a similar long-term vision?  

It can take a few months to figure out if a partner is the best fit for you, as we learn about someone’s true intentions over time. It requires spending quality time together, being consistent with date night, and having conversations that get below the highlights of having fun together.

3.You’re Committed To Yourself Versus Seeking Security

A healthy relationship can only grow when you are committed to yourself, first and foremost. You are full of self-love and know your worth from the inside out. Knowing in your heart, you don’t need a partner to define you, yet you want one in your life who brings value and companionship. You fill up your own cup each day bringing you personal happiness and inner peace to thrive.

Being secure with who you are will eliminate the need to seek it from another. The more you’re committed to you and have clarity in your personal life, the easier it will be for you to attract a healthy partner to go the distance. If a partner senses you are seeking security from them, this will create an imbalance in the relationship and become emotionally unhealthy. And, this prevents you from the ultimate relationship goal that will bring you happiness and fulfillment for years to come.

When you commit to you, your partner will too. 

Do you find yourself attracting the wrong partners? Find out why leading with good intention is vital to your relationship goals versus seeking attention. #dating #relationshipgoals #love #datingtips #datingadvice

Do you find yourself attracting the wrong partners? Find out why leading with good intention is vital to your relationship goals versus seeking attention. #dating #relationshipgoals #love #datingtips #datingadvice

Do you find yourself attracting the wrong partners? Find out why leading with good intention is vital to your relationship goals versus seeking attention. #dating #relationshipgoals #love #datingtips #datingadvice

Do you find yourself attracting the wrong partners? Find out why leading with good intention is vital to your relationship goals versus seeking attention. #dating #relationshipgoals #love #datingtips #datingadvice


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